SmartCap acts as a self-sustainable state-owned fund manager.

We manage two, common, closed-end alternative funds: SmartCap Venture Capital Fund and SmartCap Green Fund. The sole unitholder of the SmartCap funds is the Republic of Estonia.

Our objective is to develop the Estonian capital market by offering venture capital investments and enabling the growth of ambitious and innovative Estonian companies. We contribute to the economic growth and development of the capital market of Estonia by:

  • being an anchor investor in venture capital funds with a long-term strategy
  • invest through different economic cycles
  • identifying and addressing market gaps in different growth phases and verticals

SmartCap Annual Reports 

If you’re here for our finances, you must really be into the numbers.

Read the SmartCap Venture Capital Fund Annual Reports

SmartCap Green Fund Annual Reports

SmartCap Green Fund is financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU Recovery and Resilience Facility funds.