Green Fund

SmartCap Green Fund is on a mission to supercharge the supply of venture capital to Estonian Greentech companies

This fund serves as a fund-of-funds and as a direct investor in innovative — and often research-intensive — green technology companies.

The fund’s primary objective? Backing early-stage, Estonian, Greentech innovators with high growth potential. Think of companies in energy, agriculture, food, transport, logistics, materials, chemicals, and the environment.

In its first stage, SmartCap closed its first open call in 2022 for up to two cornerstone investments in the amount of €20 million per fund.

What we look for

Our criteria for Greentech investment fund managers are built around developing Estonian green sector opportunities. We look for private fund managers with a significant investment focus and presence in Estonia. SmartCap expects investments to play a role in developing the local capital market and business environment while increasing awareness of critical environmental issues.

Fund managers should be driven by the ambition to contribute to solving environmental problems by supporting promising, innovative green technologies. Their teams should have experience in the green technology sector and demonstrate an ability to contribute to climate and other environmental goals. Previous experience in startup investments is highly desirable.

If you think your fund is a fit, get in touch.

SmartCap Green Fund is financed by the European Union NextGenerationEU Recovery and Resilience Facility funds.